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This work is the subject of discussion the role to be given to interdisciplinary human sciences. In this study, mainly the subjects that are presented as fundamental to the understanding of time history and space geography for students; The teacher has the role in Geography Science and History understand how best to position themselves on the topics to be worked out, as they should be worked out in partnership. In the case of two different teachers or a teacher who teaches the two subjects, it must learn to relate, using appropriate means, the geography of the world, its history and why things are as they are today. The methodologies used are bibliographies with theoretical references of many educators, institutions and researchers to discuss the role of these two sciences in the classroom.
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Mais de detalhar estes mecanismos, porém, é importante que você seja advertido sobre a possibilidade de ocorrência de frio positivo. Um falso positivo pode ser considerado um falso alarme ou um alarme falso. Desta forma, casos de mau comportamento, que estejam previstos na política, podem ser tratados de formato adequada pelas partes envolvidas.