In terms of global climate change, the IPCC fifth report attested that the atmosphere and oceans have warmed, the quantity of snow and ice diminished, the level of the sea and the greenhouse gases concentration in the atmosphere have increased. It indicated as well that each of the three last decades was successively warmer more than the previous decades since The special report of the IPCC on the management of climate extreme events risks and disasters states that it is practically certain that the increase in the frequency and magnitude of the daily warm temperature extremes and the decrease in the extreme cold temperatures will take place globally in the 21st century. Climate change and the speed of its occurrence may risk conjuring up in the future a number of harmful environmental and socio-economic impacts on territories. Climate change can have impacts on several sectors at a time. It affects and interacts with the human and environmental systems, dictating consequently the need for adaptation in order to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience. We wish you a good Conference!
Artes Cênicas. INSS Teresa Dib Zambon Atvars. Instituto de Artes Diretora Profa. O Acontecimento da Voz
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Um dia, ela sente uma dor aguda no abdômen. Ela deve ser operada já. Na tentativa de resgatar algum romance em sua viver, Meg convence o marido a voltar à Paris por um final de semanada para comemorar 30 anos de casados no próprio hotel em que passaram a lua de mel. Subitamente, um reunião casual com um camarada de longa dia se torna o estopim para mudanças. Um retrovenda bem-humorado de um par em cata do aplicação e de alguma porção de irresponsabilidade. Concorreu no Festivo de Toronto Tomas quer perecer restante tempo com a parentela devido, pois tem trabalhado demasiadamente.
A estetizacao do mundo - Lipovetsky Gilles p.
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